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The Show


Joaquin Miller (1841-1913), judge, cook, horsethief, editor and poet.

In this performance Espen Langbråten looks at the life and poetry of the forgotten american poet Joaquin Miller.


Langbråten has set music to a few of Millers poems and tells the story of the Miller family taking the Oregon trail from Indiana.


The young Miller became a part of the big goldrush, he was a rider for the pony express and went to London trying to make a name for himself as a poet.

The poems have been set to tone in a modern americana style and we try to convey the poems as honestly as possible.


With music, pictures an story telling Langbråten has made a show that gives you an unique overview of one of the biggest poets and originals that roamed the wild west.


Millers story is so unbelivable that a Hollywood producer would have had trouble making it up.


When you read Millers poems you can almost feel you are standing at the foot of Mount Shasta, California, or try to hang on to your life at the deck of «Santa Maria»

Artist Bio

Norwegian born Espen Langbråten has been a singer/songwriter for many years. He is most known as the front man and songwriter for the band «Helmers Hage». His music have been listed on NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Cooperation) on many occasions.

He was also guitarist in the band «Bristol Songs» who had several concerts in England early 2000.

Miller Sessions is Langbråtens newest project with the aim of bringin the forgotton poet Joaquin Miller back from oblivion. The show is translated to both Norwegian and English. There are plans for both a UK and a US tour.


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